Movies are fun to watch
- Andromeda Strain
- The Fountain
- Mad Max: Fury Road
- Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse
- Wristcutters: A Love Story
- Venom (2018)
- Interstellar
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- District 9
- Wreck-it Ralph
- Contact
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes
- Watership Down
- Pacific Rim
- The Shape of Water
- Cloud Atlas
- I am Mother
A list of movies to expand on later, in no particular order
Rewatched this movie again the other day. I like this movie a lot, and I think part of that is that I went into it expecting nothing more than ‘big monster teeth maw wow’.
If you aren’t terribly familiar with Spider-man, then that’s great because he’s not in this movie. They have an entirely spider-free set up for Venom and for Eddie Brock… though a lot of the usual plot-beats are still here. Eddie having a job that he loses before he meets/bonds with the symbiote, for instance.
This damn thing kept making me brace for the obvious, typical action/super-hero movie things about 10 times and then… didn’t do them. The way that Anne, Eddie, and Dan all act in this movie is honestly so refreshing that I could drink it all damn day. I like all of them, I never feel like anyone is unreasonable, or does anything outside of their characterization.
Of course Eddie is the biggest loser in this, which is the point, and spends … 90% of it looking sweaty and sick. Which is not typical for a super-hero movie I suppose. At the start when he’s got his motorcycle you’re maybe like ’wow Eddie is kinda cool in his jacket and riding around doing his Morally Good Reporting’ but that goes away in idk, what, 15 minutes?
He’s a good dude though. He’s not cool, and he’s an idiot, and he steps over a big boundary but he is a good dude at heart.
Which makes it doubly funny he ends up with the Venom symbiote, who at first is like ‘wow we’re really compatible so that’s neat anyway time to do evil alien shit’ but Eddie gives V like… half of a percentage of, idk, teamwork? ‘We’? And V folds like a damn house of cards into ‘actually maybe evil alien plan was bad idea? Wanna stay here now with best best best body host mate love Eddie’ desperate much?
They’re cute together. Hopefully they’ll lean into that some more for the sequel because the dynamic between them is fun and could be more fun. Just a good ol’ romcom between you and your tapeworm.
TV, Cartoons, And Serial Shows
To Add
Music is fun to listen to, here are some jams.
Current Jams
Some stuff I’ve been listening to a lot lately, or otherwise have stuck in my head.
- here comes the sun - Bill Wurtz
- Montero – Lil Nas X
- Used to the Darkness – Des Rocs
Old Favorites
These are always popular, or never fail to hype me up.
- I say Fever – Romana Falls
- In Cold Blood – alt-j
- Lay it on me – Vance Joy
- ==Album==Grief: a silence in five movements – Uncertain
A few non-lyric pieces. Genre mixed.
- Shadows in the Neon Rain - The G
- Fortune Days - The Glitch Mob
- Ultima Eternus PtIII - Lashmush
- Remnants of Departed Days - Owsey
- Apotheosis (Journey Soundtrack) - Austin Wintory
- No Time for Caution (Interstellar Soundtrack) - Hans Zimmer
Sometimes I play games, though it’s very rarely these days. I just don’t have time for it like I use to, and maybe I should make more time for them but that’s another situation altogether. Anyhow, I’ve broken this down into Favorite games and Most Played games, because they tend to be different. Some games are just comforting to spend a whole day on, while other games you like for the story, y’know?
Most Played
Each clock is approx 100 hours- Don’t Starve
- My most played game. It’s just nice to start up a game of Don’t Starve and poke at it for a day or two. I enjoy the randomized, generated worlds, I love the early game of searching for the Pig King, swamp biome, and walrus camp. I love choosing a base location and getting everything set up.
I play this game unmodded, my only mods are QoL mods: a mod to mark what wormhole goes where (because lord knows I won’t ever remember) a grid-placement mod, and a mod that shows the current phase of the moon.
Other than that I usually play Reign of Giants, since I enjoy the extra seasons and recipes. I’m also the best at it, other than vanilla, I can get the furthest (usually 200-300ish days before something happens.) I’m not as big a fan of Shipwrecked or Hamlet, but that’s probably just because I suck at them. Not sure how to deal with a lot of enemies or the seasons in those yet! But someday I’ll get better at them. - theHunter & theHunter: Call of the Wild
- A hunting game? I know I know. But to be fair, theHunter is very different from the shooting-gallery likes of Cabela. TheHunter is more a game about wandering around beautiful, picturesq environments for the rare chance of spotting something several hundred yards away. Very slow game at times, but definitely worth it if you want half of the experience to just be a nice walk in the world. The maps are also HUGE and it takes a significant amount of time to cross them, sometimes you can walk for hours without seeing any animals at all. That might not be for everyone, but I personally find it adds to the experience. It feels all the more rewarding when you do finally spot or hear something, and slowly set up the perfect shot.
Bow hunting was my favorite in the original hunter game, along with hand-guns. I still use bows in the CotW but use more rifles when I don’t want to risk losing something. Goose hunting and Redfeather Falls were my favorite in theHunter: Classic, but I enjoy hunting Silverpine in CotW. The big open fields mean you almost always see something, and the thrill of shooting a bison with a bow and having it charge at you is pretty great. Good mix of big and small game! - The Monster Hunter Franchise
- Time for my favorite handheld game! I’ve put crazy amounts of hours into various monhun games, I find them very fun even if I also am not really good at them. I rarely get to the higher ranks before a new game comes out, but that’s just because I’m slow in general. Still like them though. These are best for times when you need to kill 1-3 hours while waiting for something, like transportation or appointments, so obviously that hasn’t really happened in a while.
My favorite of the series is probably 4 Ultimate, I really enjoyed the storyline with Gore Magala which leads up to Shagaru Magala, which is my favorite elder dragon fight! The music, the reveal, the atmosphere!!! Excellent stuff.
Other than the Magalas, I’d say my favorite wyvern is Brachydios. - Rimworld 1/2
- My new obsession. I just like randomly generated base builders I guess! I’ve only just started on this one, and I’m going heavy on the mods, but there’s a lot of depth to be added so I don’t mind as much as usual.
It lends itself to storytelling from the descriptions it generates for artworks, to the social interactions, to the natural drama of people trying to survive in a space-wild-wild west. One of my current favorite characters, Twitchy, is about 3/4s pegleg right now. It’s kinda funny to be honest.
Here is where I'll list my favorite written things, be they Books, Fanfic, or Webarticles
The SCP-wiki is a group-writing project where many authors collaborate together to create a fictional record of paranormal phenomena in the style of governmental documentation. No individual article need obey a greater ‘continuity’ and it is generally considered preferable if your article stands on its own.
What I love about the SCP articles is just how many sorts of stories you can tell within the dry, detached framework. There’s a level of fun in unwrapping the mystery of each event or entity, parts of which are redacted or else with-held as unimportant for the sake of the in-universe documentation. Some of them are frightening, some of them hilarious, some are just interesting to read. Some employ creative formatting to draw the reader into the fiction as well, or else present something we regard as a truth of reality as the side-effect of a mishandled event beyond our knowledge.
They’re fun. I like them a lot, and I’ve linked to a bunch of my favorite ones below. I’ll try not to to link TOO many, but who knows!
SCP093: The Red Sea Object